
04 Jun 2012

How to Build Your Home Bar, Part II: Tools of the Trade

Last week on “Your Home Bar,” we outlined your basic liquor necessities to begin mixin’ drinks at home like a pro. So by now, you’re probably staring blankly at your bottles of Rumple Minze, Baileys, and Everclear, wondering, “What on earth do I do now?” Two options: 1) SHOTS (what

Sarah M. Smart - Red-Light Special 0
23 May 2012

How to Build Your Home Bar – Part I: Bar Basics

I’m shocked no one has talked about this yet, but it’s high time we discussed drinking at home in more depth. Getting hammered in bars is all well and good, especially if you can get someone else to buy your drinks. But then you always end up owing somebody something.

Sarah M. Smart - Red-Light Special 0
25 Aug 2011

Brazen Head – Where Everybody Might Actually Know Your Name

The Brazen Head sits on the corner of two innocuous residential streets in the marina and has to be one of that neighborhood’s best kept secrets. It is both a restaurant and bar (hold your applause) but I have yet to eat there as the prices are not exactly broke-ass

Hugh Hunter - Economical Essayist 0
04 Jun 2011

Check Out the Hep Scene at the Hotsy Totsy Club, Daddy-o

Lookin’ for a real cool joint that offers cheap booze and hot licks on the jukebox? The Hotsy Totsy Club in Albany is your bar! I know what you’re thinking: “Where the hell is Albany?” Well it’s smack dab next to Berkeley, just down San Pablo, and believe me, it’s worth the trip.

Mia Di Pasquale - Scroungy Scribbler 0
07 May 2011

Upscale Sips and FREE Gourmet Snacks at Adesso

You know you’re in a fancy bar when said bar offers an “aperitivo” hour as opposed to a “happy” one.  And you should know better than to call it a “bar” in the first place; Adesso is a bonafide gastropub that offers high-end Italian finger food to complement your glass

Mia Di Pasquale - Scroungy Scribbler 0
10 Apr 2011

Call To Action – Save The Eagle Tavern!

San Francisco has been getting a nasty rep for losing its edge for a while now, and with only 49 some square miles of land to occupy it’s not hard to see how things can get a little homogenous with the right variables at play. Of these, one be the urban property

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder 0
06 Mar 2011

Dalva — Your New Sunday FREE FOOD Destination

First thing’s first:  WHY THE EFF DIDN’T I KNOW ABOUT THIS??  I thought I was the ultimate connoisseur of everything FREE food-related, as I am super broke and also a huge pig.  In any case, this one slipped by me until now — the ultimate Sunday Funday at Dalva. I

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0