britney spears

Win a ticket to Body Boom Werq-out @ TiltFit in SOMA!
Shake it with Vanessa and Kristina in this fun and fierce Body Boom workout! You will work up a sweat and have fun as you get fit to today’s biggest hits! Body Boom WERQ! (Tues 9/16, 6:30pm SoMa): At TiltFit we bring the worlds best workouts to you! The Body Boom superstars, Vanessa

Why I Was Ashamed of Listening to Britney Spears
I listen to Britney Spears. I love her. I want to marry her. I want to have her kids. Yes, as a man, I understand that it’s physically impossible to give birth. However, for Britney, I will defy the male anatomy’s limitations in order to give birth to the little

The Perks of Being a Bilingual Broke-Ass
I want to be bilingual, for a variety of reasons. Personally, I don’t like feeling like such an “ugly American” when rubbing elbows with the international crew that comes along with dating a well-traveled half-Brazilian. Being able to speak another language would make me seem more worldly in front of