Cafe Royale
Euripedes's "Cyclops": The Oldest Play About Drinking
I remember first hearing the name Euripedes in 6th grade when we were studying Greek something or other. Or maybe it was drama. Regardless I loved the way the name just rolled off the tongue and there was a good 10 year period where I was convinced that I wanted
FREE Happy Hour Stand-up Today
Watching someone do stand-up can either be really funny or uncomfortably awkward. And in some cases it can be both. While I don’t know anything about the 10 comics performing at tonight’s Monday Happy Hour Comedy I’d wager that you’re gonna get see both funny stuff and total crash and
See the Wattstax Movie for FREE
I know all you Bay Area folks are probably out in the sun, getting down with your gayness right now and not looking at your computer. But for those of you who do end up checking the site, there’s an awesome event Monday night. In my opinion, Stax Records was probably,