
How Charlottesville and Gamergate are Completely Related
Guest Post by Xennial-in-Chief Breathe. This is for your own good. James Damore said, “I do not support the alt-right.” He said this in response to the revelation that alt-right groups supported him after his firing from Google for writing and posting a 10-page memo on the company’s discussion board. In

How to Protest Safely and Responsibly
Right now, in this very moment, we are standing on a precipice. It’s absolutely critical that folks understand that our current coordinates place us directly in the center of a terrifying moment of history. One which screams for action. For participation. For all of us to take a long hard

Actually, This IS the America You’ve Always Lived in
Guest Post by Nate Mezmer We are not in “the end of days.” Nor are we anywhere near “the mountain top.” For everyone that’s “shocked” by “what’s been happening lately”, I feel you, but nah. This is par for the course. For Black folks, America has always been a hazardous