cheap travel

31 May 2018

Why Reno is a Great Escape

Oh Reno, how I love you. I want to pet your seedy underbelly. Let your vintage neon signs light up my face. Eat your $10 prime rib at midnight. Wonder about the sordid history of the carpet in your casinos. Watch your river flow by and let my mind wander.

Heather Robinson - Artisanal Trouble Maker 0
15 Jun 2015

Profile of a Modern-Day Adventurer: Train Hopping & Hitchhiking in America

Ever wanted to just drop everything and go? Ever wanted to run away and join the circus, live a life on the high seas, train hop, hitch hike, explore abandoned buildings and have the greatest adventure of all? Adventure, along with a problematic lack of patience, is what entices me

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
22 Feb 2012

Smells on the Chinatown Bus

It’s kind of insane that after 25 years as a broke-ass, I had never taken the Chinatown bus until last weekend.  Don’t get me wrong, I adore budget travel– I’ve been cramped on overnight buses in Portugal, watched a boy floss his teeth with twine as he sat across from

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
11 Jan 2010

$25 Trips Between San Francisco and Los Angeles Through CA Shuttle Bus

Thanks to our fearless leader in Sacramento, it will probably be some time before we ever see that magic bullet train become a reality, if ever. Until that point if you need to make the trip between LA and SF, your options are pretty standard and not always that cheap.

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder 0