Tonight! Refuse the Truffle Shuffle
You’re probably already sick of reading about Noise Pop, so let’s talk instead about chocolate: currency, status symbol, and obesity propellent. But even milk chocolate has a dark side, which tonight’s FREE Kitchen Table Talks at Viracocha will spotlight. It’s hard to maintain one’s dignity while scarfing down Dove Promises,
FREE Fancy Pants Chocolate and Factory Tour
When I was a kid I was pretty stoked on watching how they made chocolate in the back of the Ghiradelli Soda Fountain. My sister and I would run to check it out while we counted down the seconds until the larger-than-our-heads-(and stomachs)-sugar coma-inducing treats were ready. It took me
The San Francisco Chocolate Factory
Don’t get your hopes up. There’s no eccentric and snarky candy millionaire running around with a platoon of orange faced musical midgets, drowning fat kids in rivers of chocolate and belittling elderly adults. No ma’am, not here, that’s called heaven. Despite that one major shortcoming though, the San Francisco Chocolate