
24 Feb 2011

Yoga – Cheaper than Drugs

My first yoga teacher ever, Lars at SFSU, once said that Yoga could get him higher than any other drug he’d ever taken – which I assume was a lot because he wouldn’t really stress that fact if he didn’t know what he was talking about. I recently started getting

Heidi Smith - The Ultimate Scavenger 0
04 Feb 2010

Speak-up Please: Queer Community Meeting on Living, Working and Gentrification in SF

Queer? Angry? Something on your mind? Well you’re in the right town, right? Hmm, good question. Activism seems a little play nice these days. Rally! Just don’t irritate people. Um, maybe, but we still have tons of places to get wasted and trashy’. Well, that depends.  You, say,  can’t hang

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder 0
10 Sep 2009

Sliding Scale Bodies in Motion: CounterPULSE Benefit and "Total Facts Known" Opens

Growing up, I was a complete theatre nerd, which was a terrible cross of pain for everyone around me, especially when I actually took to the stage. Luckily, the bug’s bite has lessened in its potency but I still love going to shows, which is irritating because they can be

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder 0