22 Mar 2020

White Supremacist Groups Push to Spread Coronavirus to Cops and Jews

As if things couldn’t get any worse, we’ve now got Nazis encouraging each other to spread coronavirus to the police and to Jews. According to this story that just came out on ABC News, the FBI released a report on Thursday saying it has intercepted online messages from far right

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
22 Mar 2020

Open Letter from a Mother with Coronavirus in the Bay Area

This is an open letter from a Mother in the Bay Area who has lived with Covid-19 for weeks now.  She, understandably wishes to remain anonymous, but we have spoken with her on the phone, and verified her story.  What she says is the truth, and it is important.  It

16 Mar 2020

What’s the Line of Succession if COVID-19 Gets Trump and Pence?

by Jackson Curtin Recently, Trump and Pence were exposed to, and shook hands with, someone infected with COVID-19. Initially the two refused to take tests to see if they were in need to be quarantined. That response filled me with hope. What if they contracted the virus, and then died

Guest Writer 0
16 Mar 2020

The Government has Learned Nothing From Previous Pandemics

by Xan Holbrook As I’m writing this, I’m preparing to move abroad to start work. Or rather, I would be, if only for the fact that the country in question has just closed its borders, and I will be working remotely from here on. A sensible measure, given the emergence

Guest Writer 0
12 Mar 2020

Coronavirus Conference Gets Canceled Because of Coronavirus

The Council on Foreign Relations has canceled a roundtable called “Doing Business Under Coronavirus” scheduled for Friday in New York due to the spread of the very same disease.   Yes, the conference on ‘how to do businesses’, during a pandemic, was cancelled because of said, pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO)