
04 Oct 2012

DIY Book Page Art

I’ve long held the belief that books have the edge on e-readers in a number of ways, at least as far as DIY goes – after all you can repurpose a book into other neat items, like bookshelves or safes. Likewise, the pages inside the book are incredibly valuable because

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0
26 Sep 2012

The Upside of Fall

It’s Fall! Winter’s sneaky little sidekick is creeping up on us quickly. As I write this you may be chopping down a bundle of firewood to get you through the upcoming frozen hell of whatever place you live in. Fall hasn’t reached California yet. We are still blessed with jacket-optional

Donna Rose - Bankrupt Blonde 0
13 Sep 2012

DIY: Make Your Own Rad Candles

Candles have always seemed like a lame craft to me – anything you can teach to the under 10 crowd and involves basically pouring hot wax into a mold just seemed elementary or even matronly. However, that was an entirely unfair judgement, as I have now found a handful of

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0
03 Aug 2012

DIY: Tissue Box Crafts

As an allergy sufferer (who owns two very hairy cats), I go through a grip of tissue. I’ve got tissue boxes in pretty much every room of the house, a square box of Puffs with lotion at my desk at work – I even habitually carry travel tissue in my

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0
18 Jul 2012

DIY Paint Dipped

Earlier this month, we talked about ombre, how it’s super neat and super easy because all it involves is dipping an object into shades of paint a couple of times. And what could be easier than dipping something into paint a couple of times? The only think I can think

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0
20 Jun 2012

DIY: Repurposed Pennies

Pennies, much like Rodney Dangerfield, can’t get no respect. You can’t even give those suckers away; panhandlers will look at you sideways if you try to give them anything copper-colored. And hey, I get it. These days a couple of cents will get you….literally nothing. Even if you had two

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0
13 Jun 2012

DI-Wine Part Two: Stoppers and Storage

Perhaps unsurprisingly, I am not yet done talking about wine, or wine-related crafts. In fact, one of the many items on my Geez-I-Wish-I-Had-Enough-Time-To-Do List is to start a drunken craft group inspired by some dear friends in Portland who have been knockin’ ‘em back and getting crafty for a while

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0