
Last Nite: The New 2000’s Indie Dance Party at the Elbo Room
By now you’ve probably been to (and definitely heard of) Debaser, the monthly 90s alternative dance party at the Knock Out. It’s a crazy night with lots of flannel and Doc Marten’s and other things that remind me of jr. high. Well the fine people behind Debaser have concocted another

FREE Entrance to Scene Unseen with RSVP Tonight!!
Every once in a great while an epic party happens that I can’t be at. I know, it’s rare, and I regret to say it because I hate missing epic parties. But this one seems to fit the bill and I’m in Los Angeles. Not only are Flosstradamus and Riff

Celebrate Muni Diaries’ 4th Birthday with FREE Magaritas
Oh Muni…you strange and fickle mistress. Though I’ll never understand you, I need you in my life, and I ride the shit out of you. I’m pretty sure most San Franciscans feel the same way which is exactly why Muni Diaries has been so awesome for the past 4 years.

Cheap Sips @ 7×7's Travel Issue Happy Hour Friday
In honour of their latest issue on what’s great outside the forty-nine square miles, 7X7 is hosting a little cocktail this Friday afternoon at Coda. San Franciscans love to pack up and go, and they’re hoping you’ll drop by and share your latest travelogue, pick up a some tips from