El Paso

It’s the Guns, Stupid. Not Violent Video Games or Mental Health
There have been more mass shootings in the USA, than days in 2019. The most recent mass shootings in El Paso and Daton have politicians, again, struggling to find words to explain these tragedies. They have even fewer words to explain what they are doing to stop it. As of

It’s the Guns, Stupid. Not ‘Violent’ Video Games, Not ‘Mental Health’.
There have been more mass shootings in the USA, than days in 2019. The most recent mass shootings in El Paso and Daton have politicians, again, struggling to find words to explain these tragedies. They have even fewer words to explain what they are doing to stop it. Over the

The Zoo That Let’s You Name a Cockroach After Your Ex & Feeds it to Meerkats
This is the sly form of payback so many of you have been looking for. Sure, you may have fantasized about feeding your awful ex to a pack of ravenous wild animals, but you would never actually do it. Luckily this zoo will do it for you…well kinda. The El