
Tonight! Totally Rad Epicsauce Show!
If the neologism “epicsauce” is not enough to get your attention, then you are clearly out of touch with the modern world. Luckily, epicsauce.com can help you get with it tonight at this super-cheap show featuring three summery indie bands and DJs galore at Public Works. Public Works is an

See Grand Lake and Other Local Up-And-Comers on the Cheap Tonight at Milk
I remember way back when going to hang out at Milk on Haight meant listening to rap DJ’s and getting accosted for dollar menu money by the loiterers in front of McDonald’s, but my how things have changed. The dollar menu at Mickey D’s is gone and our friends over

FREE EpicSauce Show on Thursday
San Francisco show listing website EpicSauce.com debuted a FREE show series a couple months ago. The semi-weekly shows take place at Milk Bar in the Haight. This Thursday’s FREE show features a great lineup: Silian Rail, By Sunlight, Ash Reiter, and Devotionals (a great band made up of Two Gallant’s