
10 Sep 2019

How to Talk to Your Centrist Parents

By Ryan Dennis I ring home once a week. The structure of these calls follows a predictable pattern: starting with family gossip, then whatever they did that week, then sports, then weather, then politics. My parents are Democrats in an upstate county that registers two-to-one Republican. Complaining about Trump on

Guest Writer 0
22 Nov 2017

10 Things You Should Do Over Holiday Break

Holiday breaks are right around the corner, which means that everyone is swamped with things to get done in order to enjoy some time off. It’s all too easy to get caught up in the responsibilities of the moment because stress can be so overwhelming, which is why you should

25 Dec 2013

Play this Awkward Game with Your Family When You’re Home for the Holidays

This year, while basking in the perennial womb that is your family, however that is defined for you, take some time near the end of your tenure at wherever you call home and play a little game.  It’s called “High, Low…Uh-Oh”. I’ll explain. At my household, usually on the last

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
02 Apr 2011

Discover Yourself Today for FREE

Ever wonder why you look exactly like the mailman? Need to back your claim of being half Mexican, half German, and 100% awesome? Well, today you’ll have the chance to uncover all the mysteries of your family’s lineage for FREE at the California Genealogical Society and Library. On the first

Mia Di Pasquale - Scroungy Scribbler 0
12 Mar 2011

Sunday Pizza Bowl: Presidio Bowling Center

There’s nothing like pounding Coors Lights, stuffing your face with greasy pepperoni pizza and belting out the lyrics to Paradise City while dancing like Axel Rose after getting your second strike in a row on a rainy Sunday afternoon. If you really want to end your weekend with a bang,

Heidi Smith - The Ultimate Scavenger 0
15 Feb 2010

M & L Market – Cheap & Delicious

Long before the word sandwich became synonymous with Ike’s, there was another place that was famous for the everyman’s fare in the neighbourhood bordering upper Market Street.  That place is the M & L Market. It would be a lie as well as being incredibly pointless to say that what

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder 0