free movie

FREE Screening of Kick Ass at The Independent
Dudes. I’m not going to lie. It’s 5:22 in the morning and I just got home, cured of the hiccups by some girl who told me to think of a white horse. Yeah, she was shocked it worked too. So let’s get personal: Ever been to Cinema Draft House at

FREE Happy Hour Screening of Kick-Ass for Charity
In case you missed Kick-Ass the first time around (I did!) and you’re too eager to wait for it to hit Netflix, then you’ll have a chance to catch it in a (somewhat) proper theater for FREE tomorrow night, Thursday May 20th. The friendly people at SF in SF are

Take Your Pick of FREE Movies on Divisadero
With all the recent rain around the Bay, I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m not the only one who just wants to hibernate inside some warm cave somewhere while zoning out in front of a big screen that transports me to any magical fantasyland imaginable. But tickets to Avatar are

FREE Screening of the Movie "The Recess Ends"
In some ways living in San Francisco means taking this recession a bit lightly. People who live here are used to having to cut corners to survive and considering that most people don’t own property and don’t have kids, those of you who got sacked from your jobs are now

FREE Lost in the Fog Movie Screening
Harry Aleo was a throwback to when San Francisco wasn’t as freaky-deaky as it is now. As a super conservative in Noe Valley he stuck out like a sore thumb, and liked it that way. He’s dead now, but he used to own Twin Peaks Properties of which I wrote

Hori Smoku Sailor Jerry Documentary Screening in SF
Hori Smoku Sailor Jerry is a feature length documentary exploring the roots of American tattooing through the life of its most iconoclastic figure, Norman “Sailor Jerry” Collins. Considered by many the foremost tattoo artist of all time, Collins is the father of modern day tattooing, whose uncompromising lifestyle and larger

FREE Sneak Peek Movie Tickets to See Humpday!!
As a purveyor of cheap fun, it’s my honor to inform you that I’ve secured you FREE seats for a sneak peek of the new movie Humpday, an indie film starring Mark Duplass and Josh Leonard. I just watched the trailer and it looks like it’s gonna be pretty fucking hilarious.