
05 Apr 2013

TONIGHT: FREE Whiskey @ Southern Pacific Brewing

Cultivated Wit and SoundCloud are sponsoring this week’s Whiskey Friday, a weekly San Francisco and New York event that spawned out of the days when the CW staff worked for The Onion. They’ll be hosting a partially open bar at Southern Pacific Brewing tonight at 6:00pm. They’re not disclosing how

Eric Barry - Starving Fartist 0
10 Feb 2013

How to have an epic Broke-Ass Valentine’s Day

They say that Valentine’s Day started to celebrate Saint Valentine of Rome, martyred in 269 AD, then became a sensation in 1797 when a British publisher issued romantic verses for young lovers…

Leigh Cuen – Wandering Dreamer 0
26 Sep 2012

Get Cultured at Smithsonian’s National FREE Museum Day This Saturday

In my humble opinion, the best part about visiting This Nation’s Great Capital is all of the FREE Smithsonian museums that Washington, DC has going on.  Would I like to learn about everything from airplanes to the decorative arts?  Why yes, especially if I can do so for FREE!  Because

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
22 Sep 2012

My Favorite Afternoon Delight

Sometimes when you are broke, there are very few ways to indulge in self-gratification. I am thinking of two in particular and I’m pretty sure you can guess what one of them is. If you guessed reading, you are right! You don’t win anything, sorry. But you do get infinite

Donna Rose - Bankrupt Blonde 0
07 Sep 2012

Oakland: A Walking Tour

I have always thought that the best way to discover where you call home is on foot. There is no better way to pick up the smallest details of your city streets. You will surely catch one out of every ten things from a car window but on foot you

Chloe Doores - Economical in the East Bay 0
24 Aug 2012

Celebrate Speakeasy’s 15th Anniversary!

What could be better than sippin’ on an array of local brews from your favorite SF brewery this weekend? On Saturday, August 25th, we’ll be turning our SF brewery and parking lot into a food/music/beer festival. We’re featuring a killer lineup of local food trucks, great bands, and plenty of

Heidi Smith - The Ultimate Scavenger 0
28 Jul 2012

Oakland Art Murmur: As Good (And Cheap) As It Gets

The first Friday of every month has Oakland displaying the very best it has to offer; art, crafts, live music, food, and a city full of fun, diverse, and interesting people. Oakland Art Murmur is a city-wide multi-venue event that supports the burgeoning network of art and culture in this

Chloe Doores - Economical in the East Bay 0