
10 Apr 2020

Help Keep City Lights Books Alive!

There are few things more holy to the soul of creative San Francisco than City Lights Books. It is part of our DNA, hell it’s part of the DNA of every countercultural movement that has existed in the United States. I love this bookstore so dearly that it would shatter

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
24 Jul 2019

The Coalition on Homelessness is Moving & They Need Your Help

Anyone who who has been to San Francisco knows we have a serious problem with homelessness. And anyone who reads this site knows that I use this platform to spread the word on how we can help fix the problem. I’ve been doing activism around homelessness for a long time

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
06 Jun 2019

SF Artists, the 2020 Hearts in San Francisco Project is Looking for You

For you Bay Area painters out there, this is a decent opportunity to get your work seen, for a good cause, AND get paid a bit in the process. SF General Hospital Foundation announced today that submissions are now open for the annual ‘Hearts in San Francisco’ public art project,

03 Nov 2017

12 Reasons You Should NOT Support Broke-Ass Stuart Ever

This post is sponsored by Citizens Against Broke-Ass Stuart. Apparently Broke-Ass Stuart has started a Patreon page so that the website can be sustainable, and so he pay his writers better, keep supporting progressive causes, and continue creating what he calls “dope shit”. We hear he’s even giving out “rad

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
25 Oct 2017

Metallica, Dave Matthews, G-Eazy & More Play Huge North Bay Fire Benefit

Just got word this morning that a huge lineup of musical artists is playing a benefit show on November 9th at AT&T Park for the people impacted by the North Bay fires. A collection of businesses, community leaders, and music groups have come together to form Band Together Bay Area

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
18 Aug 2017

Rocket Dog Rescue Fundraiser to feature Emmylou Harris

Rocket Dog Rescue is holding a huge fundraiser called the Bummer’s Ball at the SF Armory on Thursday, October 5th. How huge? They’re having Emmylou Harris perform! And ahem, I’m be MC-ing the event too. For those unfamiliar, Rocket Dog Rescue is a “San Francisco Bay Area dog rescue organization run by

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
11 Jul 2017

A Night to Help Rocket Dog Rescue

As you may have heard, Pali Boucher, founder of Rocket Dog Rescue, was violently mugged last month. Besides her personal belongings the thieves also got away with all the donations she’d collected at a Rocket Dog fundraiser earlier in the evening. For those unfamiliar, Rocket Dog Rescue is a “San Francisco Bay Area