
Top 20 Bay Area Bands of 2018 vs 2009
Have your listening habits changed from 2009 to 2019? Following the trend of comparing 2009 to 2019, I’ve created a playlist that documents Bay Area bands from the past 10 years. It will compare the bands I was listening to when I started writing about the Bay Area music scene

Top 20 Bay Area Bands of 2017
Make your New Years resolution to listen to more hot Bay Area bands in 2018. Creating a limited list of only 20 local bands is a challenge for me, I have access to a lot of new music. In fact, this list doesn’t include a lot of friends that are crushing

Win Tickets To See Geographer + Bells Atlas!
Headlining band, Geographer, is a San Francisc-based American indie rock band. The eight-year-old band has “described their sound as being “soulful music from outer space” using analog, electronic and acoustic elements to craft dense layers and unique sound textures.” They share the stage with local darlings, and my absolute favorite,

Rock & Roll Photographer Victoria Smith’s Photo Show w/ FREE Music and “Refreshments”
My very dear and very talented friend Victoria Smith is having a photo show on Friday 9/28. Victoria has shot everyone from Coldplay to James Brown to Geographer to Gotye. Plus she even did the cover of my SF book as well as pics in my NY book. Basically, she’s