
Laundry Locker: Affordable, Green Laundry Service
Sometimes people invent the most amazing things. And then you always wonder, “Gee, why didn’t I think of that?” Laundry Locker is an environmentally friendly dry cleaning and laundry service that is one of those great concepts somebody thought up before you did. Arik Levy came up with the idea

Berkeley Bowl—The Best of the East Bay and Possibly the World
Berkeley Bowl is a 32-year-old Berkeley institution, ‘œan independent, full-service supermarket committed to bringing you the highest quality groceries at the lowest possible prices.’ The warehouse-like Berkeley Bowl is known for it’s A) produce (their selection is second to none), B) bulk section, C) bargain bin, and D) long lines (standing

Spending Less Green is More Green at the Good Hotel
I get a lot of emails from a lot of people asking or offering a lot of different things. I’ve gotten: offered a free haircut, asked on dates, invited to speak at various functions, hate mail, love letters, tips, suggestions, and absolute babbling nonsense. Most of the time the emails

Free Admission to California Academy of Sciences on Wednesday
Ahhhhh SNAP! It’s finally here. The third Wednesday of the month, and you know what that means don’t you (other than that you’re period is late)? It means that admission is FREE to the California Academy of Sciences. This museum is so dope that it actually focuses on multiple sciences, not just one