Why Does the GOP Want a Second Civil War So Badly?
A decade ago, CNBC’s Rick Santelli launched the Tea Party movement with a cry of “Can you hear me now, Mr. President?” from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. That was the era of tri-corner hats, contrived 18th-century verbiage, occasional Obama-hanging-in-effigy displays, and deep concerns about the national debt
Your Need to Know News This Week
Below are some highlights, lowlights and oddities from this week in local news. A recipe for destruction What do you get when you mix a bottle of Hennessy, meth and loaded guns? Nothing good, ever. But two people found out Sunday that such a cocktail can definitely get you arrested.
United Playaz Annual Gun Buy-Back
Last week I went to the annual Glide Holiday Bash. It’s hands down one of my favorite events all year because it’s an auditorium full of people who really, truly give a shit about San Francisco and the rest of the world. While there I met Rudy Corpuz Jr. from
Friday: Made In America Art Opening at Public Works
Just what exactly are the backbones of our Land of the Free? Artist Matthew Henri believes they are none other than whiskey, women and guns. The pieces displayed in his show Made In America offer an artistic survey of the underbelly of an entire nation “besieged by vices and besotted
Happy Memorial Day! FREE Parade and Food and Stuff!
What’s the reason for the Memorial Day season? Is it to get your first day off work since New Year’s? Is it to start wearing white shoes and white pants without looking gauche? Or perhaps it’s to barbecue and get hammered in Dolores Park? Wrong and WRONG: Memorial Day is