First Full Length Game of Thrones Trailer Just Dropped!
Winter is coming! Winter is Coming! If you haven’t started re-watching the first 7 seasons as a warmup yet, now isn’t a bad time to start. The final season of HBO’s Game of Thrones will begin airing April 14th, 2019. If you haven’t yet seen Game of Thrones, it probably
The Guide To Avoiding Unnecessary Funeral Costs
At one point of the whole process, I found myself telling my family, “Funerals aren’t for the dead, they’re for the living.” — David Fisher (played by Michael C. Hall) From the ages of 1 to 14, I spent four days a week with my nana. She was my second
5 Signs You’re Going Through a Quarterlife Crisis
By Martin Shen For the first time in my life I feel old. Not like forty-old. My joints don’t hurt just yet. And, I’m definitely not thinking about my 401k. I still feel reasonably irresponsible and reckless enough, but there’s something about no longer being in your early twenties that