Hunters Point
SF’s Newest Park Next to an Old Navy Shipyard, What Could go Wrong?
India Basin, San Francisco, CA. Chances are you’ve never heard of it. I’m 90% sure I went to a rave there in 2008, but apparently lot a has changed in India since then. Most recently, there’s a 9+ acre park renovation that the city & many private donors have in
New Development Threatens Archimedes Banya & Hunters Point
I was just sent the following information about a new development that is supposed to be going into Hunters Point. It appears that they aren’t playing very nicely and are a threat to Archimedes Banya and Hunters Point in general. Archimedes Banya is a Russian bathhouse that has been around since 2011.
An Easy and Affordable Way to Help Out a Kick-Ass Non-Profit
San Francisco non-profit, BAYCAT (Bayview Hunters Point Center for Arts and Technology), is asking for your help this holiday season. Although, they would be grateful for your donation, they’re asking for a far more affordable type of support.