Hunters Point

06 Jun 2019

SF’s Newest Park Next to an Old Navy Shipyard, What Could go Wrong?

India Basin, San Francisco, CA.  Chances are you’ve never heard of it.  I’m 90% sure I went to a rave there in 2008, but apparently lot a has changed in India since then.  Most recently, there’s a 9+ acre park renovation that the city & many private donors have in

15 Oct 2018

New Development Threatens Archimedes Banya & Hunters Point

I was just sent the following information about a new development that is supposed to be going into Hunters Point. It appears that they aren’t playing very nicely and are a threat to Archimedes Banya and Hunters Point in general. Archimedes Banya is a Russian bathhouse that has been around since 2011.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
02 Dec 2011

An Easy and Affordable Way to Help Out a Kick-Ass Non-Profit

San Francisco non-profit, BAYCAT (Bayview Hunters Point Center for Arts and Technology), is asking for your help this holiday season. Although, they would be grateful for your donation, they’re asking for a far more affordable type of support.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0