
20 Sep 2019

What Actual Sex Workers Think About the New Movie ‘Hustlers’

Welcome to Brain-Throbs & Blow Jobs, a column highlighting the great minds and perspectives of Bay Area sex workers through interviews and photo portraits by Maxine Holloway. In 2007 I was making a nightly pilgrimage from the San Francisco Mission District to North Beach. I would take BART to Market Street

02 Nov 2009

Sinkers and Mud – Fuzzy Comforts for Night Owls at Bob's Donuts

Oh, doughnut! Whether you be called sinker or soul cake, come in bar shape or circle, you are a grand staple of cheap eating! Doughnuts are in the upper echelon comfort foods.  It can be cold and unforgiving outside, but for a few minutes you have the sugary embrace of

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0