Jackie Fielder

28 Feb 2020

Wiener’s Green New Deal Pledge Conflicts with his Campaign Contributors

GUEST POST BY: IAN FIRSTENBERG As Election Day nears, candidates are solidifying policy proposals, hoping to bolster their platforms; for Scott Wiener, this came in the form of a recent pledge to support the Green New Deal. Originally proposed by Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), it

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21 Feb 2020

Jackie Fielder’s State Senate Campaign Puts Working People First

GUEST POST BY: IAN FIRSTENBERG The March 3rd California primary has garnered national attention as a contested and messy presidential race that could be solidified for the frontrunning Senator Bernie Sander. But all politics are local and as such, it’s important to pay attention to local officials as well as

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