johnny funcheap

FREE Coffee in Downtown San Francisco Today
Ok, so I just got back from Spain two days ago and while my body is technically here, it’s still tuned to a time zone nine hours in the future and a lifestyle where I party till 5am each night. I’m all out of sorts and not at all tapped

Five Hour Open Bar from Metrowize
Unlike Mission Mission, I’m actually not all that good at keeping up with other blogs. I mean, those cats (especially Allan) must read like hundreds of blogs a day, because they always source from ones that are crazy obscure. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard of Metrowize though, I mean it’s

White Trash Heaven: Blingo and Frito Pie at Butter Tonight
I’m always looking for different things to do on weeknights other than, say, go straight home after work, have a glass of wine (or a bottle, depending on how much of a penis wrinkle my boss was being that day), order Big Lantern and fall asleep to reruns of The

Muni Diaries Live FREE Tonight at Make-Out Room
Once upon a time, I thought only bad things happened on Muni, like catching the herpes or sustaining a stab wound to the hamstring. Then I found Muni Diaries, an awesome site created for readers and riders to share Muni-related stories. There I discovered something surprising: NOT ALL MUNI STORIES

FREE Food and the Chance to Win a Surf Board at the Riptide
This one comes straight from my man Johnny Funcheap. This Wednesday the Riptide, is throwing a bad ass party to kick off the Outside Lands Festival. This little fiesta is to raise money for the Save The Waves Coalition and there will be FREE food, surf movies on the big

4th of July in San Francisco
By this point you probably already know what you’re gonna do today, at least I do. I’m gonna go to Dolores Park to barbeque and drink beer with my dirtbag friends. Yes, July 4th is the ultimate Park Day in the United States. But some of you may still be

Three Stooges Mini Marathon Tonight!
As always, my main man Johnny Funcheap has the scoop on a killer event. The Castro Theatre recently started doing “Five Buck Tuesdays” which is where (you guessed it) you get to see classic films for $5. All day long, a seat in San Francisco’s most beautiful and historic movie