korean food
Bok Ssam: Big Headed Chicken and Waffles
I suppose there periodically come times in everyone’s life when they’re forced to ask themselves, “Is this necessary?” When you’re arguing with your significant other on the Muni over which band you’ll see together at Hardly Strictly. When you’re forced to bee line around a group of sidewalk-hoggers in the
Hiyaaa!: A karate chop to the wallet…
Hiyaaa! is either a popular truck, or I just got there too late. They were out of everything, and so I settled…was forced to settle on curry. But, that’s all right because I don’t know how many times I have said this, but curry is good. It’s one of those
Koja Kitchen: The Divine Wind of Waffle Fries
It’s no secret that the American palette loves crunchy, salty, fatty and sweet. Preferably, all together. While standing in line for Sam’s Chowdermobile, my eyes kept diverting from the slider-esque portions of lobster rolls for $5 to the constant flow of customers holding gingham boxes of two-person portions of waffle-cut
Manna from the Sunset
At an age when quantity definitely tends to trump quality in most pursuits (see: alcohol, ramen, squalid affairs with grungy musicians), the more you fill your belly with, the better, generally speaking. Who knows, as a broke-ass, when exactly you may eat again. With this in mind, I’ve started eating
FREE Appetizers at Muguboka
Muguboka has everything I look for in a Korean restaurant. When I first picked up the menu, I was like, “Wait, why is this bibimbap $20?” Then, after I ordered it anyway, my waitress brought out a huge assortment of complimentary starters including kimchee, bean sprouts, anchovies, and literally at