
My Favorite Afternoon Delight
Sometimes when you are broke, there are very few ways to indulge in self-gratification. I am thinking of two in particular and I’m pretty sure you can guess what one of them is. If you guessed reading, you are right! You don’t win anything, sorry. But you do get infinite

What Does a Broke-Ass Do With In-Laws?
The in-laws are in town. I’ll bet you’re wondering, what does a Broke-Ass Mom do with her in-laws when she and her son are their main source of entertainment? Good question. If anyone has some ideas let me know because I’m at a loss? I mean, my son is cute and all,

Broke-Ass Mom Survives a Travelling Partner
With my husband travelling quite a bit lately, it’s got me thinking how does a Broke-Ass Mom survive without her Broke-Ass partner? (I also think about all you single parents out there, and every day I have a new found respect for you, really, you should all be proud of

Story time for a Broke-Ass Mom
Thursdays mean story time for us at our local public library. I have to admit that I did not seek it out when I became a SAHM; instead I literally stumbled upon it. Six months ago, my son and I were out for a walk, and I noticed a line

Broke-Ass Mom Gets Her Groove Back
Tuesday, January 2nd, snuck up on me like poop oozing out of my son’s diaper while we’re in the middle of story time at our local library, and there’s not a spare diaper in sight. I had been looking forward to this day for literally weeks. It was the day

A Broke-Ass Mom Buys Used
If it’s one thing I’ve learned as a Broke-Ass Mom, it’s to buy used for anything and everything. I bought a pair of shoes new once, and three months later my son was telling ME that they were too tight (since then I have only bought used shoes). Technically you

Follow the Beat: Beat Generation Archivist Rediscovers America
Get your snapping fingers ready and your Jack Kerouac boners up (I know you have them): Author Bill Morgan is gonna take us across this great nation of ours as only the Beatniks saw it tonight at the San Francisco Public Library! I don’t understand the Allen Ginsberg phenomenon (read: