Make Out Room
Far-out History Lesson Tonight
All right, you win: Cats don’t wear pajamas, and if you think you’ve seen it, that was actually a dog. But tonight, you can see the next best thing: brainy, brawny skirt Ginger Murray‘s ginchy cabaret at the Make-Out Room. Every Cat’s Pajamas event honors past cultural aesthetics through artistic performances,
Hear Some Terrifying Stories at Muni Diaires Live This Friday
It’s the week before Halloween, which means things just start to seem a little spookier than usual around San Francisco, and there’s nothing more terrifying in Fog Town’s collective subconscious than our city’s evil transit agency. That means it’s perfect timing for Muni Diaries to throw another Muni Diaries Live!
Muni Diaries Live FREE Tonight at Make-Out Room
Once upon a time, I thought only bad things happened on Muni, like catching the herpes or sustaining a stab wound to the hamstring. Then I found Muni Diaries, an awesome site created for readers and riders to share Muni-related stories. There I discovered something surprising: NOT ALL MUNI STORIES
Broke-Ass of the Week – Travel Writer Kristin Luna
Every week we feature a different person from the community shedding a little light on their life of brokeitude. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn something about the human spirit…probably not.
Writers with Drinks This Saturday
I feel like it was fated, like I was meant to post about Saturday’s Writers With Drinks at The Make-Out Room. Why? Because a few weeks ago, after deciding I was too bored at the gym to work out for more than five minutes without stimulation that did not involve
Ticket Giveaway: A Heartbeat and a Guitar – Johnny Cash Book Release
While my favorite portrait of Johnny Cash is the painting that hangs behind the bar at Bender’s (you really need to go see it), this cover that Shepard Fairy did for Antonino D’Ambrosio’s new book A Heartbeat and a Guitar: Johnny Cash and the Making of Bitter Tears, is pretty