Mental Health

10 Oct 2019

5 Accomplished, Incredible People Who Attempted Suicide

One of the hardest parts about suicidal thoughts (other than the whole, you know, wanting to die thing) is the shame. You can feel weak. You can feel inadequate. You can ask yourself: Why is this so hard for me? Why can’t I just carry on like everyone else? It’s

20 Dec 2018

The Labor Crisis Happening in the Bay Area’s Mental Health Profession

Guest post by Sarah Dardick, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Social Work and Counseling Master’s students typically spend two to four challenging years in graduate school. During this period of study, students are referred to as “trainees” or “interns” and are required to complete one or two full years in

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
06 Sep 2018

Surviving ADHD as an Adult

By Rachel Fogletto So, you’ve been diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, and you’re probably thinking, “What do I even do with this information?” If you’re anything like me, you’ll write a painfully funny standup bit about it and pray your doctor doesn’t ever look you up on YouTube. If

Guest Writer 0
18 May 2018

How Working in Retail Destroyed My Self Esteem

Guest post written anonymously Once upon a time I was freshly 21 and applied for a job that, at that time, was my dream job. I didn’t have any formal experience in that field, but my freelance background seemed to make up for it. On my third and final interview

Guest Writer 0
22 Mar 2018

News to Know: March 22, 2018

Major news outlets are pretty focused in on keywords like Tillerson, McCabe, Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, porn star and Playboy. It’s been an interesting week in the gutter of national news. Here are a few stories from the Bay and beyond that seem more relevant than the president’s unprotected extramarital affair