Michael Bloomberg

18 Feb 2020

A Bloomberg Presidency Would Be a Shadow Puppet with a Compound Fracture

In Gary Shteyngart’s Lake Success, the protagonist, a soulless hedge-funder named Barry, meets his wife at a “cultural art thing” attended by none other than New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg. It is an almost religious experience for a finance guy who becomes physically aroused when he sees a Bloomberg

Peter-Astrid Kane 0
31 Jan 2020

The BAS Endorsement: Why You Should Vote for Bernie Sanders

Primarily written by Sayre Piotrkowski with research and other input from, Colin O’Dell, Nico Simonian, Kristin Lawless, Cindy Martinez, and Stuart Schuffman. The readers of this site range from anti-fascist anarchists who are wary of being involved in electoral politics at all, to other folks whose sole priority in the

BAS Editorial Team 0
24 Jan 2020

SF Politicians Aren’t as Progressive as the Rest of the Nation Thinks

Guest post by: Ian Firstenberg On January 23 San Francisco Mayor London Breed endorsed former NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg for president. While this came as somewhat of a shock to local media and obsessive media consumers, it echoes a centrist policy of perceived pragmatism coming from the Bay Area. This

Guest Writer 0
26 Dec 2019

Don’t Let Mike Bloomberg Use California to Win the Nomination

While a lot of the online left has trained its ire on Mayor Pete Buttigieg, the biggest revelation of the Democratic primary pertains to a different mayor. It turns out that Michael Bloomberg, who only apologized in November for his mayoral administration’s 12-year history of favoring invasive and unconstitutional stop-and-frisk

Peter-Astrid Kane 0