Milk Bar

This Week's FREE Music Show Picks
At the risk, or guarantee, of sounding like an asshole, I’ve gotten so spoiled by press passes that I can no longer purchase tickets to things. So, when the passes don’t come through, I gotta go to FREE shows. Here are a couple happening this week: Wednesday’s Rumble party at

See Grand Lake and Other Local Up-And-Comers on the Cheap Tonight at Milk
I remember way back when going to hang out at Milk on Haight meant listening to rap DJ’s and getting accosted for dollar menu money by the loiterers in front of McDonald’s, but my how things have changed. The dollar menu at Mickey D’s is gone and our friends over

See Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. (the Band, Not the NASCAR Guy) FREE Tonight
Waaaay back in April I told you about a Michigan-based band called Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. and I had a dream. My dream was selfish, but heartfelt: That Jr. Jr., whose demos had been on constant repeat on my iPod since I got my grabby grabby little hands on them,

Free Live Music at The Rumble SF
The Rumble SF is a monthly live music showcase from the people behind NoisePop and Treasure Island Music Festival. It’s been going on for a couple months now at a couple different venues in the city, (and it’s not just limited to SF, apparently) but this month I’m obligated to

FREE EpicSauce Show on Thursday
San Francisco show listing website debuted a FREE show series a couple months ago. The semi-weekly shows take place at Milk Bar in the Haight. This Thursday’s FREE show features a great lineup: Silian Rail, By Sunlight, Ash Reiter, and Devotionals (a great band made up of Two Gallant’s

The Return of Thursday Nights at Milk on Haight
It’s been awhile since we’ve heard from our friends over at Epicsauce, but tonight marks the return of their Thursday night cheap booze/local music session at Milk Bar in the Haight. After more than a month off, they’re back with live sets from local acts Tempo No Tempo, Fake Drugs,

More FREE Local Music Tomorrow Night at Milk Bar
A couple weeks ago, we tipped you off to FREE music and cheap booze at Milk Bar on Haight and normally I’d be worried about posting an event twice, but Kevin over at Epicsauce has come back from SXSW with another solid lineup of local acts. This isn’t just a