
How to Deal With Your A**hole Landlord
by Limus Woods How many of you all just want to punch your landlord in the face? Well, believe me, you are not alone. This isn’t just because so many landlords out there are corrupt, but simply because of the amount of people who rent their residences. According to Pew

Nearly Half of American Renters Are Cost-Burdened by Rent
This article comes from the folks at Apartment List Let’s take a look back on 2018: a year of record-low unemployment and increasing wages. Yet according to a new study by Apartment List, virtually half of American renter households are still struggling with their housing costs. Apartment List’s 2019 Cost

Raise Your Hand If The Bay Area Makes You Feel Like Trash
While riding BART in the early am of a Monday like any other, Facebook served me an article entitled “Feeling Strapped on a $400,000 income? That’s the Bay Area.” I stared at my tiny computer in my palm in disbelief but not with a sense of surprise. People always complain

How to Find True Happiness in San Francisco
Money…Money…Money Money inhabits the majority of the real estate of our discussion – blogs, conversation, and articles all seem to revolve around money. The impossible rent and cost of living, the monied population and arguments over culture grab and gentrification. The culture surrounding $4 toast, $16 cocktails, $50 haircuts and

What Does It Mean to be Broke?
At the moment, I have enough money to get by. That means I can survive on the bare minimum. Over the last 27 years of my life, money has come and gone, mimicking life’s peaks and valleys. And just like life, I won’t complain about its ups and downs because

Why Starting a Cult is a Great Way to Stop Being Broke
If this doesn’t convince you, then IDK. I’m fucking broke, man. I’m broke. And Groupon/Lifebooker/whatever discount website is trendy right now, is not REALLY an app or a website, it is an addiction. In the perpetual quest for Patrick Bateman-style physical perfection that is this Hollywood life, I find myself

The Perks of Being Unemployed
To the ones who have had some trouble holding down a job, or the ones who have had extreme difficulty actually landing a job to hold down, or the ones who simply just cannot work, here’s some good news. There are actually perks to being an unemployed citizen; a person