monica the intern

Divisadero Art Walk — Come Party with Workshop and Nooworks!
Kelly, who runs the Indie Mart and is the only real woman Stu and I fight over, has been knee deep in sawdust for the last few weeks with her dad and various others trying to get her new project ready. It’s about 75% of the way done, and you

San Francisco Ticket Giveaways!!!
So a couple different people have gotten at me recently about some cool events they’re doing and I thought, “Hey maybe I can get them to pass me FREE tickets to giveaway.” I mean truthfully, if you come to this site often, all I’ve given you thus far is ways

Man V. Food Filming today at Ike's Place in San Francisco!!
So there’s no reason in hell why you shouldn’t be at the Indie Mart today. Think about it: booze, great food, amazing shopping, local music to shake that thang too, great prices…and finally, Stuart and I! We’ll be kickin it, live and in your face all the way. We’ll have

Fags! Bums! Independent Film! — SFSU Human Rights International Film Fest
I can’t keep up with the International Film Fest this year. There are so many great films that deserve my money, but I probably only have enough money to spare on one. I was pretty sad until I actually found out that my friend is throwing his own Human Rights

Don't miss the FREE shows during Noise Pop
By Broke-Ass Stuart Thanks to both Monica the Intern (from this website) and Maris from Bay Area Bourgeois for hipping me to all the great FREE shows going on during this year’s Noise Pop Festival. If you’ve got tips for great cheap shit hit me up at People all over