
16 Sep 2014

Are You Raising Restaurant Ready Children?

Dear Parents: You may not be aware of, but when you walk into a restaurant with your beautiful baby in your paisley Baby Bjorn wrap or with your MacLauren stroller and your gracious host walks your six top over to your table – your servers eyes may scan the insides

Jamal Frederick - Second Hand Scribe 0
13 Aug 2010

FREE Admission to Aquarium of the Bay TODAY!

You know how you live in a city for a long time, but never do the super touristy things in that city?  For example, I’ve never done the double-decker hop-on, hop-off bus tour, been across the water to Alcatraz, or had sex with a hooker-tranny in the ‘Loin. But today

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0