
30 Jun 2010

Why the New Clipper Card is Good News for The Brokes

If you haven’t ridden any Bay Area public transit in a while (I know! It’s expensive these days, right?) you might have missed out on the billions of ads for the new one-card-to-rule-them-all transit pass system called Clipper. Apparently Clipper isn’t much more than a fancy focus-grouped version of Translink,

Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler 0
09 Jun 2010

Check Out Muni Art and Story Tent This Friday!

Hey, all you Muni lovers!  Actually, maybe that’s not the best way to start this off. Hey, all you FREE event, art and fun lovers!  Although at choice times — like when you’re late to work and those goddamn doors won’t close — you may not be the hugest fan

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
23 Apr 2010

Muni Diaries Live FREE Tonight at Make-Out Room

Once upon a time, I thought only bad things happened on Muni, like catching the herpes or sustaining a stab wound to the hamstring.  Then I found Muni Diaries, an awesome site created for readers and riders to share Muni-related stories.  There I discovered something surprising:  NOT ALL MUNI STORIES

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
30 Dec 2009

FREE Muni Service on New Year's Eve

If you read the internet in San Francisco, you may have caught this one already: For the 10th year running SFMTA is providing FREE Muni service on New Year’s Eve. So save those two dollars, and bring a bag of ice or a stack of plastic cups to your party

Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler 0
02 Dec 2009

Dozens Enter Panic After Tooth Bandit Strikes

Officials have released a police sketch this week of the man known as The Tooth Bandit who allegedly terrorized Elena Aronson by stealing her two front teeth. The suspect was said to have made several comments to the woman while riding the MUNI referencing her teeth and saying “I want them.”

Ryan Miller- Depleted Resource Analyst 0
29 Nov 2009

MUNI is FREE Today and Every Sunday till the End of year!

Thank Christ — MUNI has finally thrown us a bone. After cutting services and lines after December 5th and announcing that Fast Passes will be going up another $15 to $70 a month, our very own urine express decided to cut us a break. Though they do not guarantee that

Monica Miller - The Intern 0
25 Nov 2009

A Guide to Riding the SF MUNI: Part Deux

In the second installment of the bus etiquette series we’re going to cover quite a bit. We’ll laugh, we’ll cry, we’ll discover our bodies. I hope you’re ready for this adventure. I know I am. 1. Greet the bus driver. Turns out that’s not a robot driving the bus, it’s

Ryan Miller- Depleted Resource Analyst 0