Stan Lee Dies, 47 Different Super Villains Claim Responsibility
Stan Lee, the legendary writer, editor and publisher of Marvel Comics whose characters and stories made him a hero to comic book lovers and movie goers all over the world, has died at 95 years old. Although the Los Angeles police department insist Lee died of natural causes, dozens of evil
New Law Could Actually Put Killer Cops in Jail
On Tuesday, June 19th, the California Senate Public Safety committee will discuss AB931, The Police Accountability and Community Protection Act, which aims to limit when cops can legally kill citizens and hold police legally responsible when they kill people wrongfully. In 2015 SF police fired 26 rounds at Mario Woods
Goodbye Bubbles. SF Won’t be the Same Without Your Magical Weirdness.
Fucking Bubbles. I don’t know how many times I’ve said that phrase since I first met him in Dolores Park in 2014. In fact anyone who ever met Bubbles uttered that phrase at least once, whether in absolute awe, complete exasperation, or both simultaneously. Bubbles was Bubbles. There are a
“Wicked Plants” Are out to Get You
This is the strychnine tree, used by nineteenth-century serial killer Dr. Thomas Neill Cream. Effing scary, right? Despite the many lovely products (cilantro, pumpkins, marijuana, +c.) the flora of the earth provide us, plants are pretty terrifying. From the hemlock that killed Socrates to the white snakeroot that (indirectly) killed