
Just in time for the heat wave, some civic-minded individual hauled a functioning upright piano to the top of Bernal Hill. I was just there, and it fucking rules. What was most remarkable about the experience was the fact that everyone up there seemed to know how to play piano

East Midwest Music Group Releases Debut Album “Shuffle” for VH1 Save The Music Foundation
We sat down with East Midwest Music Group last week to talk about – you guessed it – being a broke musician. Let’s preface this piece by mentioning that the things that we’ve learned in our ‘pow-wow’ could easily apply to all performers, freelancers and generally people who don’t have

SFMOMA FREE All Weekend!
I was recently in the Big Apple and luckily scored FREE passes to the MOMA while I was there. It was really awesome – but I would like to think that our SF MOMA is even cooler because they are letting everyone in for FREE this weekend! Festivities include a

“Said I Loved You But I Lied”: An In Depth Critique
Thanks to my best friend and her entire family (who were my primary babysitters before and after school), my childhood from ages 7 to 12 was filled with the comprehensive works of Mr. Michael “Sweet Lips” Bolton. As school let out, I would not have to scan the cars looking

How to do Noise Pop 2013 on the Cheap
Hello my young, broke and beautiful “friends,” would you like to join me for a party? It spans 7 days, has 52 shows, tons of bands, and hundreds of hours of enjoyment.

Listen Up: Valentine’s Day Soundtrack
I was thinking today … what if your Valentines Day was a movie?
Perhaps you were asked to be the director of said movie. The producer wanted the movie to be a silent one, and all the scenes would be set to music. The location scout informed you that cameras would just follow the main character from the point they woke up … to the moment they went to bed…

How 90’s Adult Contemporary Ruined My Life
OK, fine. It didn’t ruin my life. But seriously. It kind of did. I have been cursed with a love/hate relationship with the songs of my Zima drinking, shoulder pad wearing elders who loved them some artists like Richard Marx and the Tony Rich Project. Here are the worst offenders