
09 Dec 2015

We have free tickets to J. Fernandez @ Bottom of the Hill!

Born to Filipino immigrant parents, Chicago-based J.Fernandez spends his days as a cartographer/map-maker. By night, Fernandez navigates his own personal world of musical endeavors, drawing on the influences of early electronic music, pop and psychedelia. J Fernandez’s debut album “Many Levels Of Laughter” will be released June 9, 2015. He is

illyannam 0
22 Jul 2013

What You Should Really Expect From A Broke Musician

I’m a 20-something artist living in New York City, and, quite frankly, I’m tired of trying to make people believe that I have my shit together. It’s way too much work. I constantly find myself having to choose between taking a shower, brushing my teeth, shaving, dressing appropriately for whatever

Freddie Cosmo - Associate Debtitor 0
04 Jun 2013

East Midwest Music Group Releases Debut Album “Shuffle” for VH1 Save The Music Foundation

We sat down with East Midwest Music Group last week to talk about – you guessed it – being a broke musician. Let’s preface this piece by mentioning that the things that we’ve learned in our ‘pow-wow’ could easily apply to all performers, freelancers and generally people who don’t have

Freddie Cosmo - Associate Debtitor 0
20 May 2013

Life of a Musician After An Expensive College Degree

I mean true musicians. The type of musicians who have tons of talent, loads of promise, a refusal to do anything else and no cash. I’m going to let you in on the worst kept secret of a generation: having a bachelor’s degree in ‘Music Anything’ doesn’t exactly secure you

Freddie Cosmo - Associate Debtitor 0