new york city

24 Apr 2012

Internships: The Uphill Battle To Get Paid

It’s no secret that sometimes, in order to beef up your resume for that dream job (especially in the creative fields), an internship can be a helpful stepping stone. If you’re lucky, you’ll find a paying internship, but if you’re like the rest of us, the most you can hope

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage 0
16 Apr 2012

Healthcare Tips for the Broke-Ass Masses

Being a New Yorker is a little tough, all the time. Whether it’s the train that just left or coming up with the perfect save to that horrible interview question…. on the elevator going down, there’s always some bitty truth to the adage about making it here. But we do

Nadine Friedman - Vice President of Snark 0
11 Apr 2012

Tales of My Foot Phobia

Believe it or not, this morning marked the second time that I saw someone clip their nails on the subway.  At least it wasn’t their toenails, like the first time around.  That incident happened during the summer, when it was hot enough to wear sandals– the thick, B.O.-pungent air, and

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
21 Mar 2012

Broke-Ass Fun: Dog-Watching (It’s Like Bird Watching, But Way Less Lame)

Living in a big city can be a major bummer.  There’s the lack of nature, the competition, the depressing drain on your finances.  It totally sucks.  But instead of getting wrapped up in your status anxiety and your rapidly depleting bank account, why don’t you embrace the most innocent, spirit-lifting

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
04 Mar 2012

A Broke-Ass Guide to Health and Wellness

Back in my early 30s living in New York, I subsisted on slices from the pizzeria downstairs, copious amounts of coffee, and wine. Fitness was simple…I belonged to no gym, but my workout consisted of running in some form or another: to the subway, from the subway, up and down

Nancy Roberts - Pennysaving Plume 0
24 Feb 2012

Bachelorette Breaks: Six best places to go in the US and Caribbean

Women’s travel: Ok, we hate to be the ones to tell you, but going out-of-town for a bachelorette break can never be cheap cheap. There’s transport and accommodation to book. There are L-plates/wacky wedding veils to be bought (and, regretfully, worn). There are shots to be drunk. Many shots.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
22 Feb 2012

Smells on the Chinatown Bus

It’s kind of insane that after 25 years as a broke-ass, I had never taken the Chinatown bus until last weekend.  Don’t get me wrong, I adore budget travel– I’ve been cramped on overnight buses in Portugal, watched a boy floss his teeth with twine as he sat across from

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0