Noc Noc

Noc Noc. Who’s There?
I’m not exactly sure what it is about the Noc-Noc that makes me black out every time I go there. Well, not all the way (since they don’t serve Fernet Branca) but, pretty close to it. Maybe it’s the toxic mix of I.P.A. and hot Sake just before the

Tonight: It’s OK to Haight
Ever seen a blog in 3D? I’n not talking Avatar 3D, but 3D as in the real deal. Head on down to Lower Haight tonight from 6pm-10pm for a FREE glimpse of actual footage from the tangible version of Haighteration – the blog (and our pals!) dedicated to serving the

Lower Haight Art Walk TONIGHT!
If you didn’t venture out last night for the first Thursday of the month art stuff, don’t you worry — you can still start April off right with the Lower Haight Art Walk! Tonight from 7pm-10pm along Haight Street between Scott and Webster, there will be FREE art to ponder,

50% Off at Little Star Pizza and More!
I went to the Green Festival yesterday and saw all kinds of hot hippie mamas and weird smelly dudes. I mean there was more than that of course, but come on, I gotta make fun of something! While I was there I remembered that there was such a thing as