
There are those that write blogs and those that read blogs. I find that I’m way better at creating content than I am at reading content.

FREE Entrance to Scene Unseen with RSVP Tonight!!
Every once in a great while an epic party happens that I can’t be at. I know, it’s rare, and I regret to say it because I hate missing epic parties. But this one seems to fit the bill and I’m in Los Angeles. Not only are Flosstradamus and Riff

Broke-Ass Band Interview: K. Flay (Friday @ Popscene!)
I interview broke-ass bands on here every week. I mean real, local, this-might-be-the-only-thing-ever-written-about-them, broke-ass bands. And let’s be honest: most of them are only musicians because they’re not good at anything else. They might not even be good at music. My point is: This week I pulled off a major

The Family Guy Trilogy is Complete — Now Watch (Most of) It For FREE!
So if you’re a television watcher, you probably watch Family Guy. It’s boundary-pushing, inappropriate, un-PC, crude and insensitive — basically all the qualities you want to cultivate in your own life. I knew a douchebag a couple years ago who loved the show, which made me not want to watch