
$1 Jell-o Shots, Animal Behaviour and $100 to the newest CHICKENBEAR at the Powerhouse July 4
‘œAre you bummed that there isn’t a San Francisco Street fair that specifically targets your metaphoric internal homo animal designation? Are you sorta chickeny? Fox-curious? Wolflexible? Does hotmusclebear.com leave you lukewarm? Are you a Turkey Vulture? A pigasus? A bearacat?’ So say Walter Gòmez and Mica Sigourney of CHICKENBEAR. Sounding

Flaunt Your 'Stache at The Bearded Gentleman Book Release Party on Saturday!
I’m pretty excited to be hyping this event because it combines several of my favorite things in life: facial hair, books, FREE stuff, and hot guys. Well, I don’t really know about the last one, but I feel like if I talk about it like it’s true, it will be.