Broke-Ass Mom Leftover Chicken Ideas
A couple of months ago, I wrote an article about how you can make all Broke-Ass moms proud across the world with my simple recipe for Chicken Broth. If you haven’t read it, read it here. But today I realized that using the contents of your refrigerator plus leftovers from

The Effect of Loaning Broke-Ass Mom a Car
This Broke-Ass Mom got to taste the Kool-Aid this past week. Friends of ours went on vacation and left their car under our supervision for two weeks. There were no rules, no nothing, just “Here are the keys, and enjoy.” At first the responsibility seemed daunting, but it didn’t take

End of the Broke-Ass Mom Preschool Saga
The Preschool Hunt of 2012 has come to an end, finally. Now all that’s left is to make a decision on which one. I consider ourselves pretty lucky that we have choices. When we decided so late in the game to put our son in preschool, I was expecting to

Can a Broke-Ass Mom find the Perfect Preschool?
We are now knee-deep in a search for a preschool for our soon-to-be three-year-old son. With every new day it becomes more and more apparent that he’s more than ready to make some friends of his own, and I think he’s ready to do this without me standing by his

Broke-Ass Mom: Should You Send Your Kid to Preschool?
Is nursery school for a Broke-Ass Mom? For over a year now I’ve been telling myself, and anyone else who will listen that nursery school, or preschool, is a big waste of time and money. I kept asking myself why do people spend thousands of dollars to send their child

What Does a Broke-Ass Do With In-Laws?
The in-laws are in town. I’ll bet you’re wondering, what does a Broke-Ass Mom do with her in-laws when she and her son are their main source of entertainment? Good question. If anyone has some ideas let me know because I’m at a loss? I mean, my son is cute and all,

Happy Birthday, Broke-Ass Mom
Coincidentally, after talking about my Broke-Ass birthday coming up, another Broke-Ass mom friend of mine (Yes, that’s right folks, I finally made a “mom friend”) had her birthday last week. Of course, I had to ask her what she did on her birthday. She should be proud; it’s quite Broke-Ass-ish.