Sailor Jerry

Come Buy Drinks While Broke-Ass Stuart Bartends for Charity!!
What are you doing on Tuesday, June 19th? I’ll tell you what: you’re coming out to Bottle Cap and letting me feed you drinks. I’ll be guest bartending there from 6-8pm and all the tips that I make in that time period are going to Project Open Hand, an amazing

Hori Smoku Sailor Jerry Film Screenings TODAY and Thursday!
Do you like tattoos? How about Rum? How about badass old guys who do tattoos and end up having a rum named after them after they die? I thought so. Hori Smoku Sailor Jerry: A Film About The Life and Times of American Tattoo Master Norman Collins Wednesday, June 9

Hori Smoku Sailor Jerry Documentary Screening in SF
Hori Smoku Sailor Jerry is a feature length documentary exploring the roots of American tattooing through the life of its most iconoclastic figure, Norman “Sailor Jerry” Collins. Considered by many the foremost tattoo artist of all time, Collins is the father of modern day tattooing, whose uncompromising lifestyle and larger