saving money

10 Everyday Habits That Are Wasting Your Money
Everyone has a daily routine that they stick to, even if that just means getting up and brushing your teeth. Have you ever thought about your daily habits and how they change your life? Small acts like always washing your dishes or opening your windows might seem like they don’t

The Differences Between Fourteen Year Old Me, and Twenty-Six Year Old Me
I’ve been re-watching a lot of old episodes of Freaks and Geeks with my Nick Andopolis/Sam Weir hybrid of a boy toy lately (all of the philosophical stoner wisdom of Andopolis without the clinginess, and the gentlemanly quality of Weir without the hairless pits– what more could a lady ask

Broke-Ass Mom Cheapskates Through the Holidays
I began this year’s shopping for my two-year-old by following my own advice: buy only one or two great gifts for your toddler/baby because that’s all they need (if that considering the mounds of presents they’ve already received from their grandparents). My husband and I decided what my two-year-old REALLY

A Broke-Ass Mom Buys Used
If it’s one thing I’ve learned as a Broke-Ass Mom, it’s to buy used for anything and everything. I bought a pair of shoes new once, and three months later my son was telling ME that they were too tight (since then I have only bought used shoes). Technically you

How Not to Piss Away Your Money!
I am notorious for inadvertently wasting money. It is something that I am not proud of and I have to work very hard to change my bad habits. After learning some very hard lessons, here are some ways that I try not to piss away my money: 1. Do a