Sex worker

Sex Workers Invite You to “Sit With Us” for Brunch
On Sunday, June 2, International Sex Worker’s Day, also known as International Whore’s Day, communities all over the country will gather to advocate for the health, safety, and protection of sex workers. Bay Area harlots, escorts, street workers, strippers, Dominatrixes, and porn and cam performers invite you to “Sit With

There’s a Sex Worker Mixing Witchcraft into Her Bag of Tricks
Welcome to Brain-Throbs & Blow Jobs, a column that will be highlighting the great minds and perspectives of Bay Area sex workers through interviews and photo portraits. Gia welcomed me into the room. Spell candles flickered, and I could smell flowers and dried sweet grass burning. Honey soaked words dripped

This is How the Bay Area Showed Up for Sex Workers’ Rights
Guest post by Lia Russel “FOSTA won’t fix it!” “Sex worker justice NOW!” On June 2, hundreds of chanting sex workers, labor rights advocates, families and allies took to the streets of Oakland in support of sex workers under attack on International Sex Workers Day. With Maxine Holloway and Arabelle