
Who Needs Black Friday When There’s Green Friday?
This article was made possible by the fine folks at Urbana (formerly known as Harvest). Wanna appear on the site? Holler at After 5 years of being one of San Francisco’s best cannabis dispensaries, Harvest has planted new seeds. The shop formerly known as Harvest has turned over a new leaf

5 Awesome Subscription Boxes that Will Never Fill The Void in Your Life
by Laurie Riihimaki Have you contemplated suicide in the last few months? You know, just saying “hasta la vista, baby” to your pet turtle who couldn’t give two shits about you? If you haven’t thought about this heightened scenario, then you’re probably not a Millennial. But, if you are, then

An Exhaustive Collection 2018 SF Pride Photos
Another Pride has come and gone in a year that felt little of celebration. The fight continues, however, and visibility is the strongest message one can send. And if there are folk that knows how to show off the fight with fabulousness and ferocity, they are the babes of the

The Prettiest Shops in the Bay
All shops were not created equal. Sure, there are shops that have what you need, shops that are cool, shops that are historic…but what about mercantile meccas that make your heart feel good? If you don’t like shopping, first of all: you’re wrong. You love shopping. You love worshiping at the

The Hayes Valley Urban Air Market is this Weekend and it Looks Dope!
I’m super busy so I’m just gonna cut and past all the info, but it look like it’s gonna be pretty rad. I’m sure I’ll cruse through there at some point. This September, as other cities are cooling down, San Francisco is warming up for Urban Air Market’s return to the

Broke-Ass Octophiles: Cheap and in Love with the ’80s
What exactly is the correlation between being broke and being obsessed with/nostalgic for/stuck in the ’80s? I know it’s not just me. Go to any hipster neighborhood (Williamsburg, etc.), try to picture everyone without their iPhones, and voila, you could very well be in 1984. Is it because hipsters are

How to Know When You’re a Broke-Ass
Let’s face it, guys. You woke one morning and it dawned on you: “I’m a broke-ass.” But how do you know? What evidence is there to prove that you’re a broke-ass or not? Here’s a few key signs that might let you know that you are indeed a broke-ass motherfucker.