Social Studies

Top 20 Bay Area Bands of 2018 vs 2009
Have your listening habits changed from 2009 to 2019? Following the trend of comparing 2009 to 2019, I’ve created a playlist that documents Bay Area bands from the past 10 years. It will compare the bands I was listening to when I started writing about the Bay Area music scene

Help Kelly Malone Kick Cancer’s Ass on Thursday!
SO by now you probably know about Kelly Malone, the DIY Queen of SF, and her mission to beat the shit out of the evil, crazy expensive cancer that’s come back around to creep on her like an ex who just doesn’t get the hint. We told you how to

Live Music, Art and Kid Stuff at the FREE Rock Make Street Festival on Sunday!
You know how on most Sundays you sit at home getting day drunk on a mega bottle of wine and watch reruns of Tosh.0 until it gets dark out because there isn’t nearly enough sun to coax you off the couch, and then there’s those Sundays where there’s a million

Win Tickets to the Social Studies Record Release Party
I’ve got a pair of tickets to see Social Studies play music and stuff in celebration of the release of their new record Wind Up Wooden Heart. Also playing is Maus Haus, 60 Watt Kid, and Montra. Four bands for $10 is a good price, but getting a pair of