South of Market

BAS Pride 2015: The 2015 Bi-BQ, Pride Night @ Comix Experience & FREE Tickets To Hard French Los Homos V w/ ESG
Well queers, we are already mid-week of this year’s rainbow tour and about knee deep in plenty of gay-ass shit to do. If you are, by chance looking for something to do on the way to the Milk Club and 48 Hills joint happy hour (because you would never

BAS Pride 2015- Hanky Code: The Movie in SoMa Wednesday (6/17)
Ah, the hanky: Our community’s polychromatic tradition of flagging the way we like to fuck. Being a perv and a nerd, I’m obviously a fan, with it’s origins supposedly going back in the mists of time to square dances full of randy forty-niners and wayward sailors out for a hot

Call To Action – Save The Eagle Tavern!
San Francisco has been getting a nasty rep for losing its edge for a while now, and with only 49 some square miles of land to occupy it’s not hard to see how things can get a little homogenous with the right variables at play. Of these, one be the urban property

$2 Brewskie Madness Every Monday at the Lone Star
One thing the current owners wanted to retain when they took over the Lone Star Saloon a year ago was the blue collar charm and clientele. Although blue collar is an increasingly rare species in these parts, menu-wise the bar seems to be doing it’s best to keep it’s watering

Happy Hour and Time Capsule Making with Muni Diaries and I Live Here SF
Did you go to the I Live Here SF retrospective the other week like I told you to? Well you should have, but if you didn’t you can still see all the great art when you got to the Muni Diaries Happy Hour tomorrow. This sounds like a pretty rad

Raise Money for the Red Cross While Getting Drunk on Wine
While the French are just now begrudgingly admitting that California puts out some badass wine, we here in the Bay Area have known this for years. In fact it’s probably harder to get bad wine in San Francisco than it is to get good wine…not that I can really tell

Absolutely Must See Event: I Live Here SF Retrospective
Photo by Julie Michelle Awhile back I took part in Julie Michelle’s I Live Here SF project. I’m hoping you just clicked on that link in the last sentence, but if you didn’t I’ll explain. With I Live Here SF, Julie follows around various San Franciscans and photographs them. She