student loans
5 Fun Date Ideas to Distract You From Your Crippling Student Debt
by Ben Mangelsdorf In case you were wondering, college has been going amazing. I definitely spent the first two years of the best four years of my life contemplating whether life was truly worth living, but I’ve gotten past that and have developed a strong sense of apathy and disregard
Things I Wish I Could Tell My Younger Self About Student Loans
by Dee Dee Thompson I thought if I didn’t go to college, I would end up broke, living at home, working a low paying job, and unhappy. Nine years and two degrees later, I’m in debt, living at home, working a low paying job, and quite frankly… depressed. There isn’t
Life of a Musician After An Expensive College Degree
I mean true musicians. The type of musicians who have tons of talent, loads of promise, a refusal to do anything else and no cash. I’m going to let you in on the worst kept secret of a generation: having a bachelor’s degree in ‘Music Anything’ doesn’t exactly secure you
Sending Your Kid to College on a Broke-ass Budget
Kids grow up faster than we want them to and college is not only essential for a great future, but it is a large part of the American dream. However, if you have been washing dishes, waiting tables, or just been broke most of your life and have struggled to