the elbo room

Listen to Writers (Like Me!!) Read Sexy and Erotic Tales at Red Light Lit
I’m excited to be reading at Red Light Lit again this Saturday! What is Red Light Lit? I’m glad you asked! As their site says: Red Light Lit is a literary journal and reading series that explores love, lust, desire and sexuality in the form of prose, poetry and song. Curated by

Commune SF Featuring Pixel Memory, NITEPPL (LIVE) & More,This Weds!!
Commune SF is 1/8/14 at the Elbo Room starting at 9 PM! WTF is Commune? It’s a movement of artists, designers, musicians and people that take a stand against tobacco corporations, their practices and their presence in the scene. Commune takes this stance by being pro-local, so each month, a different local band,

Last Nite: The New 2000’s Indie Dance Party at the Elbo Room
By now you’ve probably been to (and definitely heard of) Debaser, the monthly 90s alternative dance party at the Knock Out. It’s a crazy night with lots of flannel and Doc Marten’s and other things that remind me of jr. high. Well the fine people behind Debaser have concocted another